Apr 16, 2.30PM: Ali Abunimah & Oren Yiftachel on Palestine/Israel @ Univ. of Johannesburg


The Afro-Middle East Centre
and the
Centre for the Study of Democracy

Invite you to a seminar which will discuss new perspectives on Palestine
and will feature two important voices:

Ali Abunimah on One country - the path to peace in the Middle East
Oren Yiftachel on Ethnocracy, land and identity in Israel/Palestine

Date: 16 April, 2010
Time: 2:30
Venue: Room C, New Admin Building (next to Council Chambers),
Kingsway Campus, University of Johannesburg

For more information, call Ashwin - 071 184 9757 or Safiyyah - 084 300 0019


Ali Abunimah is the author of One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse and has contributed to numerous other volumes and written hundreds of articles on the question of Palestine. In 2008-2009 he was a Fellow at the Palestine Center. He is a co-founder of the Electronic Intifada, an award-winning online publication established in 2001. Electronic Intifada covers issues related to Palestine and the Palestine-Israel conflict. It is read by over 60,000 individuals worldwide every month. Based in Chicago, Mr Abunimah is a graduate of Princeton University and the University of Chicago.

Oren Yiftachel teaches urban studies and political geography at Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel. He previously taught at Curtin University, Australia; the Technion, Haifa; the University of Pennsylvania; Columbia University; UC Berkeley; University of Cape Town; Calcutta University; and the University of Venice. Professor Yiftachel's research has focused on critical understandings of the relations between space, power and conflict, drawing mainly on neo-Gramscian, post-colonial and Marxian inspirations, with strong social justice, multi-cultural and conflict resolution orientations. His work has been widely cited and translated into seven languages. His work is known for its originality, developing new concepts and theories, including "the dark side of planning", "urban social sustainability", "ethnocratic societies", "trapped minorities", "fractured regions", "ethno-classes", "internal frontiers" and "gray space", to mention a few. Professor Yiftachel is the founding editor of the journal Hagar: Studies in Culture, Politics and Place, and he serves on the editorial boards of Planning Theory, Society and Space, Urban Studies, IJMS, MERIP. He has worked as a planner and activist in a wide range of bodies, including the public housing association, and most recently at the council for unrecognized Bedouin villages in southern Israel/Palestine. He is also a founding member of the activist Faculty for Israel-Palestine Peace (FFIPP), and PALISAD, and is an active board member of B'tselem and Adva (Centre for Social Equality). Professor Yiftachel has published over 100 articles and ten books, including Planning a Mixed Region in Israel (1992), Planning as Control: Policy and Resistance in Divided Societies (1995), Israelis in Conflict (with Kemp, Newman, Ram - 2004), and Ethnocracy: Land and Identity Politics in Israel/Palestine (2006).   

A picture of the child who didn't "exercise restraint" and got shot by Israeli thugs in Gaza

The photo below, taken by Eva Bartlett in Gaza, and posted on Facebook, shows Said Hamdan, age 15, who was shot this morning in the Gaza Strip, by Israeli forces in a watchtower. Eva writes: "Said Hamdan, 15, went to near the northern border to collect scrap metal. Had he not been shot by the IOF [Israeli Occupation Forces], he might have earned 20 shekels, if lucky, to add to his incomeless family's needs. Seven brothers, five sisters, an unemployed father, and no prospect of work in Gaza under siege, Said went to where many other youths and men go daily to gather anything recyclable and sellable. It was his first day."

Maan news agency also reported on the shooting.

I post the picture because just this afternoon Baroness Catherine Ashton, the EU "foreign minister" issued a typical, bland, cautious statement saying:

"I am extremely concerned at the current reports of violence taking place in and around the Gaza border with Israel, and deeply regret the loss of life. I call on both Israelis and Palestinians to exercise restraint and call for a complete halt to all violence. Such actions undermine current efforts to facilitate a resumption of the peace process. An urgent resumption of negotiations remains crucial."

My question to Lady Ashton is this: what sort of "restraint" should Said have exercised to avoid being randomly shot by armed Israeli thugs in a watchtower? The fact is such shootings are a daily occurrence, and just because the *western* media do not report them, does not mean they don't happen. Said was "lucky." He survived.

Also, today, six Palestinians including a child (who suffered serious wounds) were injured by Israeli shelling of Khan Yunis refugee camp.

Photo: Eva Bartlett

Right-winger call to vandalize Democratic offices over #hcr actually "terrorism" under Patriot Act

The Washington Post reports this evening:

Former militiaman unapologetic for calls to vandalize offices over health care

By Philip Rucker

Thursday, March 25, 2010; 3:52 PM 

"To all modern Sons of Liberty: THIS is your time. Break their windows. Break them NOW."

These were the words of Mike Vanderboegh, a 57-year-old former militiaman from Alabama, who took to his blog urging people who opposed the historic health-care reform legislation -- he calls it "Nancy Pelosi's Intolerable Act" -- to throw bricks through the windows of Democratic offices nationwide.

IANAL (I Am Not A Lawyer), but it seems to me that what Mr. Vanderboegh calls for meets the Patriot Act (which Obama and most Republicans voted for) definition of "domestic terrorism."

From the ACLU:

Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52) expanded the definition of terrorism to cover ""domestic,"" as opposed to international, terrorism.   A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act ""dangerous to human life"" that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to:  (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping.

Throwing bricks through Democratic Party offices as suggested by Mr. Vanderboergh (a) is clearly "dangerous to human life;" (b) "is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States;" and (c) is blatantly intended to  "influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion."

What continues to interest me is the avoidance of the use of the term "terrorism" in connection to white non-Muslim people even when they clearly espouse political violence (as here), or engage in suicide bombings (such as the gentleman who recently crashed an aircraft into an IRS building).

This is further evidence that the term "terrorism" is a political/racial label, much more than a useful descriptive term. The Patriotic Act's definition of "domestic terrorism" is so laughably broad that even throwing bricks through a window can be defined as a crime legally indistuinguishable from, say, flying an airplane into a building. But it's also so broad as to provide alarming discretion to authorities such that the actions of one group of people will be defined as "terrorism" while those exact same acts, when carried out or planned by another group, are merely "vandalism."

CODEPINK activist disrupts Netanyahu at AIPAC Gala: "Lift the siege of Gaza"

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                           
March 22, 2010

CODEPINK Protests Netanyahu inside AIPAC Gala
Activists call for end to siege on Gaza and illegal settlements

Washington D.C.: Shortly after announcing Israel’s commitment to defense in his address to the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Gala, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was disrupted by a demonstrator.  Rae Abileah, 27, from Half Moon Bay, CA, jumped onto AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr’s private table alongside the stage and unfurled a pink banner that said “Netanyahu: Build Peace Not Settlements!”  Abileah shouted, “Lift the siege of Gaza! No illegal settlements!” as she was forcefully removed from the building.  A second disruption came moments later from Joan Stallard, from Washington, DC, who shouted, “Stop the settlements!”

CODEPINK’s protests of the policies of AIPAC during their national conference this week have included daily morning protests, staging of a checkpoint for attendees, an afternoon press conference announcing the launch of a city-wide boycott of products illegally made in the settlements, and the release this morning of a spoof press release from AIPAC announcing that the organization was calling for a settlement freeze.  Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 23, at noon CODEPINK is planning to build a settlement (including homes and beds) inside Senator Schumer’s and Senator Lieberman’s offices (Hart Senate Building, offices 313 and 706).

CODEPINK condemns AIPAC's silence on the illegal settlements and calls for continued military aid to Israel, which last year was used in the attack on Gaza, breaking international law.  With the new tensions between the Obama administration and the Israeli government over settlements, activists believe that now is the time to stop AIPAC from dictating US foreign policy in the Middle East.  “The timing is right to the break the detrimental influence of AIPAC, which demands unquestioning public and financial support for Israeli despite its illegal actions,” said Rae Abileah, a national organizer with CODEPINK and a Jewish-American of Israeli decent. 

American Jewish peace activists are outraged at the influence that AIPAC has on U.S. policy. “AIPAC supports policies of aggression that damage Israel’s reputation, harm innocent Palestinians, and contribute to making America less safe in the world,” said Jewish-American activist Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK. ”


CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities.  More info at: www.codepinkalert.org

Exposed: At AIPAC, Hillary blamed Hamas for Dalal Mughrabi Square incident actually done by US-funded Palestinian Authority

In her speech to AIPAC this morning, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said: "When a Hamas-controlled municipality glorifies violence and renames a square after a terrorist who murdered innocent Israelis, it insults the families on both sides who have lost loves ones in this conflict."

What's so striking about this statement to anyone who has been following the story is that Hamas appears to have had nothing to do with it. Instead, the US-armed and financed Palestinian Authority appears to have been responsible for the event to rename a square for Dalal Mughrabi, the Palestinian woman who took part in the hijacking of an Israeli bus that ended in the deaths of dozens of people after a botched Israeli "rescue" attempt.

Ethan Bronner, he of The New York Times, reported on March 11:

EL BIREH, West Bank — Dozens of Palestinian students from the youth division of Fatah, the mainstream party led by President Mahmoud Abbas, gathered here on Thursday to dedicate a public square to the memory of a woman who in 1978 helped carry out the deadliest terrorist attack in Israel’s history. Though one senior Fatah leader and a Palestinian Authority security official joined the gathering in this town abutting Ramallah, the administrative center of the authority, the relatively low key nature of the event, timed to the 32nd anniversary of the attack, was a kind of compromise. An official ceremony was put off by the Palestinian Authority as a result of Israeli protests and to avoid an unnecessary embarrassment during a visit to the region by the American vice president, Joseph R. Biden Jr., who came partly to promote new Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

In another report, the right wing The Jerusalem Post -- not exactly fans of Hamas -- makes it clear the ceremony was entirely the doing of Fatah and the US-backed Palestinian Authority. It adds:

Tawfik Tirawi, a member of the Fatah Central Committee and a former PA security commander, hailed Mughrabi, who died in the 1978 attack, as a freedom fighter who sacrificed her life for her people and her homeland. “We are all projects of martyrdom like Mughrabi,” he said. “We are all Mughrabi.” Mughrabi was not a terrorist, Tirawi said.

It should be noted that Tirawi has been one of the key Fatah figures involved in US-backed schemes to overthrow Hamas. Hillary was right about one thing: Hamas' Reform and Change list did in fact win Al Bireh Municipality in the 2005 municipal elections. But it appears Hamas had absolutely nothing to do with the Dalal Mughrabi event. Hillary should know better than anyone else that the very US-sponsored Palestinian Authority forces behind the event have been busily arresting Hamas activists, deposing democratically elected mayors, and shutting down civil society organizations suspected of sympathy to Hamas.

I would guess that the PA carried out the square renaming in a ham-fisted attempt to shore up their credentials as "freedom fighters" instead of collaborators. I've found no information Hamas had anything to do with this, and plenty that the Ramallah US client regime did. I think it takes a great deal of deception and cold calculation to engage in this sort of half-truth and fabrication. Hillary has evidently had a lot of practice.

My letter to US Ambassdor in The Hague asking that Mohammed Omer be given his visa, allowed to speak #Gaza

I sent this letter via email in response to this action alert: "Protest the US' silencing of Palestinian journalist Mohammed Omer"

Her Excellency Ambassador Fay Hartog Levin
Ambassador of the United States
The Netherlands

Dear Madam Ambassador,

On April 5, I am scheduled to appear at Chicago's Newberry Library to moderate an event with Mohammed Omer, an award-winning young Palestinian photographer and journalist from the Gaza Strip. I was very disturbed to learn that Mr. Omer visited the US Consulate in the Netherlands to receive his visa a few days ago but was not given his visa as expected despite the fact that all his paperwork was in order and he has previously visited the United States without incident.

As things stand, Mr. Omer is waiting in limbo, unsure if our event in Chicago, or the other cities around the US where Americans are waiting for him will take place as scheduled. If they do not, this would not only be an injustice for Mr. Omer, but a real injury to the efforts of people in the United States who have worked to bring him here and to share his work, and to hundreds or thousands more who will be deprived of this opportunity to hear from a witness to events in an area of the world which as you know the US is deeply involved.

The citation for the 2008 Martha Gellhorn Prize for journalism, of which Mr. Omer is the youngest ever recipient, stated, "Every day, he reports from a war zone, where he is also a prisoner. He is a profoundly humane witness to one of the great injustices of our time. He is the voice of the voiceless ... Working alone in extremely difficult and often dangerous circumstances, [Omer has] reported unpalatable truths validated by powerful facts."

I can only think that the US government would want to encourage its citizens to hear directly about what is happening in the Gaza Strip and to see some of Mr. Omer's arresting and extraordinary images. You can see for yourself some of the images and stories for which Mr. Omer deservedly won the Gellhorn Prize for Journalism here: http://ipsnews.net/new_focus/GellhormPrize/omer.asp

What is so disturbing about the unexplained and unexpected delay in Mr. Omer's visa is that it appears to fit a long-standing pattern of the US denying or delaying visas to scholars, artists, journalists and others from Arab or majority Muslim countries. Many people had expected that with the new administration's declared intention of a "new beginning" with that part of the world, these arbitrary policies would end, and that the US government would do all it could to facilitate direct exchanges. I cannot imagine that the United States would intentionally want to prevent Mr. Omer speaking to audiences in our country, so therefore I would expect that you would do all you can to ensure his visa is issued and his visit takes place on time.

My hope is that this is all a minor administrative snafus that will be resolved very quickly with your intervention, and we can welcome Mohammed in Chicago on April 5.

Yours Sincrely,

Ali Abunimah
Chicago, Illinois

An open letter to UN Sec Gen Ban Ki Moon from the besieged people of Gaza

(received via email)

An open letter to Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations


March 21, 2010

Your Excellency:

You are already well aware of the worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza consequent on Israel’s devastating military attacks and its siege. As recently as December 27of 2009, you called the blockade of Gaza “unacceptable.” While this statement is certainly valid, it constitutes a gross understatement of the actual situation which amounts to slow genocide. Such understatement suggests that you are trimming your language to accommodate US pro-Israeli policy. We live an ongoing, illegal, crippling Israeli siege that has shattered all spheres of life, prompting the UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights, Richard Falk, to describe it as “a prelude to genocide”. Your own UN Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, headed by the highly respected South African judge, Richard Goldstone, found Israel guilty of “war crimes and possible crimes against humanity,” as did major international human rights organizations, such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. The Goldstone report concludes that Israel’s war on Gaza was “designed to punish, humiliate and terrorize a civilian population, radically diminish its local economic capacity both to work and to provide for itself, and to force upon it an ever increasing sense of dependency and vulnerability.”

Mr. Ban,

The 1948 Genocide Convention clearly says that one instance of genocide is "the deliberate infliction of conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of a people in whole or in part.'' That is what has been done to Gaza since the imposition of the blockade by a UN member state, namely Israel, and the massacre of 1434 Palestinians, 90 per cent of whom were civilians, including 434 children.

On your second short visit to Gaza since the end of the Israeli onslaught in 2008-09, you will find what Professor Sara Roy, an expert on Gaza, describes as “a land ripped apart and scarred, the lives of its people blighted. Gaza is decaying under the weight of continued devastation, unable to function normally…” Professor Roy concludes that “[T]he decline and disablement of Gaza's economy and society have been deliberate, the result of state policy--consciously planned, implemented and enforced... And just as Gaza's demise has been consciously orchestrated, so have the obstacles preventing its recovery." Israel is intent on destroying Gaza e because World official bodies and leaders choose to say and do nothing.

As civil society organizations based in Gaza, we call on you to use your position as Secretary General of the UN, the world body responsible for holding all governments accountable for the safeguarding of the human rights of all peoples under International Law to bring to bear on Israel the full force of your mandate to open the borders of Gaza to allow the import of building materials as well as all the other requirements for decent living conditions for us, the besieged Palestinians of Gaza.

We understand you are coming to Khan Younis to inspect an UNRWA housing project designed to provide housing for Palestinians whose homes were demolished by Israel’s war machine and who have been waiting for over five years for replacement. Of course the building project will not have been completed because of the blockade, even though it is an UNRWA project. The brazen refusal of Israel to cooperate with the decision of the International Community to re-construct Gaza, for which several billions of Euros were pledged, should not be tolerated. Israel’s attacks have damaged or completely destroyed many public buildings and have according to the UN’s own OCHA report as of April 30, 2009, severely damaged or completely destroyed some 21,000 family dwellings. Many other Palestinians who have spent the past several winters in flimsy tents have also been promised the means to rebuild homes and schools, though to date nothing has been done to alleviate their suffering.

In addition to the very visible lack of shelter, we, in Gaza, also suffer from the contamination of water, air and soil, since the sewage system is unable to function due to power cuts necessitated by lack of fuel to the main generators of the Gaza power grid. Medical conditions due to injuries from phosphorous bombs and other illegal Israeli weapons as well as from water contamination cannot be treated because of the siege. In addition to the ban on building materials, Israel also prevents many other necessities from being imported: lights bulbs, candles, matches, books, refrigerators, shoes, clothing, mattresses, sheets, blankets, tea, coffee, sausages, flour, cows, pasta, cigarettes, fuel, pencils, pens, paper... etc.

Mr. Secretary General,

When you visit Khan Younis, keep in mind that a huge UN storage depot was directly targeted by Israeli phosphorus bombs only last year destroying tons of badly needed food and other essentials. At that time your UNRWA chief John Ging spoke of massive obstacles preventing humanitarian aid from reaching the civilian population of Gaza: those obstacles must be removed. The Red Cross called the Israeli assault “completely and utterly unacceptable based on every known standard of international humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles and values.”
We sincerely hope you will live up to your responsibility and speak for the suffering people of Gaza to those who hold the keys that could easily end the barbaric blockade, as the first step towards the implementation of all UN resolutions in Palestine.



Signed by:

University Teachers’ Association in Palestine

General Union for Health Services Workers

General Union for Public Services Workers

General Union for Petrochemical and Gas Workers

General Union for Agricultural Workers

Union of Women’s Work Committees

Union of Synergies—Women Unit

Union of Palestinian Women Committees

Women’s Studies Society

Working Woman’s Society

Arab Cultural Forum

Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel

One Democratic State Group

Al-Quds Bank for Culture and Information Society

(List of names of individual activists and academics)

Comment on @nytimes Ethan Bronner's hasbara disguised as analysis (h/t @amities)

The Americans believe that the kind of rude surprise that occurred when Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. was visiting here earlier this month — an Israeli announcement of 1,600 units of Jewish housing in a part of Jerusalem conquered by Israel in 1967 and claimed by the Palestiniansis not likely to be repeated in the coming months. That was one of Ms. Clinton’s central demands of Mr. Netanyahu: no more acts that disturb the atmosphere as indirect talks with the Palestinians get under way.

There's so much wrong with Ethan Bronner's "news analysis" quoted above it's hard to know where to begin. Of course he fails to mention that under international law East Jerusalem is occupied territory and Israel's annexation and colonization are illegal. But the NYT has been obscuring and covering that up for years.

What really struck me was Bronner's phrase "...a part of Jerusalem conquered by Israel in 1967 and claimed by the Palestinians." It is as if the Israelis are the ones physically present (albeit through "conquest") and the Palestinians are merely putting forward a claim. You would never know of the actual physical presence of Palestinians who are being pushed out of Jerusalem bit by bit every day as the direct consequence of a planned campaign of 'judaization.'

Bronner has to pretend not to see this big picture. That this isn't just about a "housing project" here or there, or about disrupting "peace talks," it is a story about one group of people using force to expel -- to ethnically cleanse -- another group of people from Jerusalem. It's a story he refuses to see or tell.

Later in his article, Bronner spends time fretting about "confused" Israeli public opinion. As usual the story is all about Israelis and their feelings. It never occurs to him to ask about Palestinian public opinion. What do the people whose land is being stolen think? It is as if they don't exist.

Lest we forget: US govt opposed #BDS against apartheid South Africa as it does against apartheid Israel

Department of State Bulletin

August 1, 1988

The potential impact of imposing sanctions against South Africa.;

John C. Whitehead statement;  transcript

SECTION: Pg. p58(5) Vol. V88 No. N2137 ISSN: 0041-7610

LENGTH: 5215 words

   Statement before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on June 22, 1988.  Mr.  Whitehead is Deputy Secretary of State..sup.1
    Thank you for this opportunity to present the Administration's views on Senate Bill 2378, the amendments to the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986.  If enacted, this legislation could have important    consequences for the future of American diplomacy in South Africa and in the southern Africa region.  For reasons I hope to make clear in    my testimony, the Administration strongly opposes Senate Bill 2378.    American interests are not served by legislation which requires that    we experiment in the economic destabilization of South Africa without genuine prospects of contributing to the solution of that country's    problems.
    Despite our strong objections to this bill, we are quick to recognize the feelings which motivated it.  South Africa's apartheid system    is repugnant to all Americans.  While many governments tolerate or even surreptitiously encourage discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, only in South Africa is racial discrimination a civic duty and the    failure to practice it a punishable offense. Among nations which profess to identify with Western, democratic values, only South Africa classifies individuals, herds them into groups, and strips them of their individual political rights according to racial and ethnic criteria.  This monstrous injustice affronts us all and cries out for redress.
    Our aversion deepens when we are confronted by the stubborn resistance of the South African Government to appeals for peaceful change.    Successive generations of black activists-during the defiance campaigns of the early 1950s and early 1960s, during the Soweto uprising of    the 1970s, and in the latest wave of township protest from 1984 to 1986-have been shattered by progressively harsher and more sophisticated forms of official repression. Despite repeated, worldwide censureand the imposition of severe sanctions-some of them dating back morethan 20 years-South Africa's governing elite remains steadfast in its    determination to retain its monopoly on political power.
    Injustice and inequality are entrenched in South Africa, but not all the trends are negative.  Over the past 10 years, the nature of apartheid has changed markedly.  Numerous petty apartheid provisions have fallen by the wayside, the Pass Laws have been scrapped, central business districts have been opened to blacks, and black labor unionshave been legalized and have made impressive organizational strides.    These changes testify to a growing awareness among many South African whites that apartheid in its purest sense is impractical and uneconomic, if not actually immoral. Consistent with this trend is the finding of the Dutch Reformed Church 2 years ago that no scriptural justification exists for the practice of apartheid.  Another institutional    pillar of the Afrikaner establishment, the Broederbond, also broke with apartheid orthodoxy at that time.  Regrettably, this willingnessto dispense with some forms of racial discrimination has not yet developed into a consensus in favor of addressing the truly critical issue confronting South Africa, which is the issue of permitting all South Africans to participate in deciding how and by whom they are governed.
    A clear and dispassionate analysis of the crisis gripping South Africa is required if the United States hopes to play a constructive role there.  Our interests demand that we avoid the pitfalls of desperate activism on tbe one side and resignation and disengagement on theother.  We must accept that the transition to a nonracial democracy in South Africa will inevitably take longer than all of us would like.     We must also understand that South Africans themselves, black and white, will be the agents of their own liberation, with outsiders, including the United States, playing only a secondary role at best.
    Above all, we need to acknowledge that such limited influence as we currently possess derives from our continuing presence on the ground in South Africa.  A progressive U.S.  business presence, an official aid program reaching out to tens of thousands of black South Africans, our persistence in urging South Africans to confront the imperatives of dialogue and compromise and to consider what they are for as well as what they are against-these are the most important assets we have for challenging apartheid.  We can condemn, censure, and sanction-as this legislation requires-and hope against logic and experience that we can achieve some beneficial result.  Or we can take a longer view which refuses to dis-' engage, preserves our lines of communication, our contacts, and our limited resources within South Africa and positions the United States to intervene positively at the moment when    our limited leverage can accomplish the most good.
    The Fallacy of Sanctions
    Three years ago, at the height of the violent unrest in black townships across South Africa, it was fashionable to argue that apartheid    had entered its final crisis.  Activists in South Africa, exiled black leaders, and many observers in Europe and the United States predicted that only a final push was needed to topple the system.  Comprehensive and mandatory international sanctions were thought by some to be precisely the push required.
    These prognostications were obviously wide of the mark.  Few persons familiar with existing power relationships in South Africa seriously believe that a rapid resolution of the crisis is possible-with orwithout sanctions pressure.  Surely it was unrealistic to expect theSouth African Government to respond to our pressure by ending the state of emergency, releasing political detainees, or meeting any of the    other conditions for lifting sanctions outlined in the Comprehensive    AntiApartheid Act.  Not surprisingly, the South African Government refused categorically to meet these demands.
    Presumably in recognition of these factors, Congress has modifiedits expectations.  In reporting out House Resolution 1580, the HouseForeign Affairs Committee describes sanctions as "part of a medium- to long-term approach designed to maximize both internal and externalpressure on the apartheid regime." The House report further notes that to ensure their effectiveness, sanctions must be multilateralized;that U.S.  pressure alone will be insufficient to accelerate the pace    of change in South Africa.
    It should be clearly understood that the Administration has consulted intensively with South Africa's main trading partners, all of whom are major allies of the United States.  For the most part, these governments are strongly disinclined to either follow an American leador act unilaterally in adopting further punitive sanctions.  Our allies either reject or are highly skeptical of the premise that by destabilizing the South African economy the West can somehow engineer a relatively peaceful transition to democratic rule in South Africa.  Moreover, these governments judge-as does the Administration-that international sanctions cannot be effectively enforeed without recourse tomilitary measures.
    As some of you may be aware, we have received in the past 2 weeksseparate, official communications from the European Community and the    British Government informing us of their deep concerns over extraterritorial provisions in this bill.  Passage of S.  2378, particularlythe secondary boycott features, could lead to GATT [General Agreement    on Tariffs and Trade] disputes with our major trading partners and undermine the U.S.  negotiating position in the current round of GATTtalks.
    We should not, therefore, delude ourselves into thinking that it is possible to internationalize sanctions under American leadership.Our allies will resist this approach, at least until such time as wecan demonstrate convincingly that cutting trade links, selling off assets, and relinquishing contacts across the board in South Africa will result in something other than a costly, symbolic protest.
    The central fallacy of the sanctions approach is not simply that it isn't feasible.  Rather, the problem lies with a fundamental misreading of South African political and economic realities and with the acceptance of a false correlation between economic pain and positive social change.  Simply put, sanctions are the wrong tool brought to the wrong job.
    Sanctions are the wrong tool because South Africa has the resources to resist an economic siege and has been preparing for such a contingency for many years.  Although heavily dependent on international trade, South Africa has domestic deposits of virtually every key raw material input needed for an industrial economy with the major exceptions of crude oil and bauxite.  The South African Government and private sector have spent billions of dollars stockpiling strategic imports, ranging from crude oil and bauxite to computer and aircraft parts.     These stockpiles would provide a cushion against shortages until alternative sources of supply could be found or import substitution projects completed.
    Based on previous experiences with international embargoes against    South Africa, we believe that direct controls on shipments to SouthAfrica would probably not prevent South African importers from obtaining the foreign supplies that they need.  One possible exception would be certain high-technology goods, for which adequate enforcement mechanisms already exist.
    With regard to South African exports, 65% of export earnings are made up of low-bulk, high-value items such as gold, diamonds, and strategic minerals.  Most economists believe that an effective boycott of    these commodities would be difficult or impossible to enforce.  Theremaining 35%, mainly steel and manufactured products, would be morevulnerable to a general boycott.  Even here, however, a boycott would    not be airtight.  For example, in the past 2 years, sanctions have closed 80% of South Africa's traditional export market for steel, yetSouth African steel exports were only down by about 2.9% through October of last year.  Given South Africa's proven capacity for trade realignment and diversion and its still untested capacity for full-scale    sanctions-busting, we estimate that even reasonably well-enforeed, comprehensive UN sanctions would cut total export receipts by something less than 25%.
    The net result of a total trade embargo on South Africa would almost certainly be far less dramatic than proponents of the sanctions approach believe.  The impact is likely to be a moderate recession over    the medium term, comparable to the 1982-86 period in South Africa.Over the longer term, constraints on growth and a decline in competitiveness could push South Africa deeper into recession.
    But, whatever their economic consequences, what counts is the political impact of sanctions.  As one leading South African Marxist theoretician recently noted in a reversal of his previous position, the criterion for sanctions should be the question of whether they consolidate the position of the black worker and black organizations.  He concludes that sanctions don't meet that criterion.  As I will point out, sanctions are far more likely to produce perverse results: mild discomfort, at most, for white elites, but a risk of severe economic dislocation for the black work force.
    The Economic Costs to the United States
    Sanctions are not cost free for the United States; S.  2738 will require U.S.  business to find new markets, assuming they are available, for over $1.2 billion in annual exports of mostly manufactured and    high-technology goods.  The foreed liquidation of over $1 billion in    direct U.S. investment will change little in South Africa except toconsolidate the position of local business interests acquiring theseassets at well below market value.  It is reasonable to expect that at least some U.S.  companies will challenge the constitutionality ofthis provision on the grounds that it results in the confiscation ofassets without fair compensation.
    While the precise impact of sanctions on the U.S.  economy is hard    to measure, some industries will be more seriously affected than others.  Studies indicate that the U.S.  coal industry has already lostan estimated $250 million over the past 3 years.  A sizable portion of the loss is due to market distortions caused by existing U.S.  sanctions against South Africa.  Foreign customers of U.S.  Government enriching services who use South African uranium provide $350approximately million a year in revenues.  Some of these customers will take their enrichment business to Europe and the Soviet Union if the United    States cannot process their material.
    These estimates do not include the potential cost of South African    countersanctions.  Even a temporary disruption of strategic mineralexports to the United States would have serious repercussions over abroad range of U.S.  industries.
    According to the U.S.  Bureau of Mines, the direct economic coststo this nation resulting from a decision to embargo South African strategic and critical minerals imports are estimated at $1.85 billion per year About 94% of these estimated costs are for two platinum-group    metals, platinum and rhodium.
    Platinum is primarily used in the production of automotive catalytic converters, and about two-thirds of 1986 total domestic industrial    consumption was used for this purpose.  In 1986, the United States imported 86% of its platinum supplies from South Africa.
    Outside the Soviet bloc there are insufficient alternative supplysources to South Africa to meet U.S.  platinum metal requirements. In    1986, the total production of countries other than South Africa andthe Soviet Union, including domestic primary and secondary production, could only satisfy about 40% of U.S.  demand.
    Rhodium is a very rare metal absolutely essential for compliance with Clear Air Act auto emissions standards for nitrous oxides. Omitting the Soviet Union and other centrally planned economies, U.S.  consumption of rbodium was almost one-half of the Western world total.  The primary application of rhodium is in the production of automotivecatalytic converters.  Over 70% of U.S. consumption (93,000 ounces in    1986) was used in this application in 1986.  Rhodium demand is increasing worldwide as emission-control requirements are placed on nitrous oxide emissions and as the control requirements are applied to a larger fleet of vehicles.  In 1986, South Africa provided about 53% ofWestern world supply, the Soviet Union 38%, and secondary recovery 5%.  There are insufficient non-South African rhodium supplies to meetU.S.  demand.
    It should be pointed out that while the South African Government has never threatened the United States with a disruption or a cut-offof strategic minerals supplies, it certainly has this option.  Pretoria also has the option of slapping countersanctions on neighboring black states, all of whom are critically dependent on South African trade or transport routes, or both.  Passage of this bill would put South Africa's intentions to the test with regard to both the United States and our interests in stable development of the region.
    The Political Costs of Sanctions
    If sanctions are the wrong tool, they are also being used for thewrong job.  Ostensibly aimed at influencing South Africa's key decisionmakers, sanctions miss this target altogether while hitting everyone else, causing collateral damage in precisely those sectors of South    African society which are pushing hardest for fundamental, peacefulchange.
    If comprehensive, international sanctions against South Africa are    extended, we should anticipate that the main losers will be South African blacks.  They will be the first to suffer the effects of a prolonged recession in terms of lost opportunities; lost jobs; and decreased government spending on black housing, black education, and services provided to black townships.  This is an unintended and possibly tragic economic implication of the sanctions approach.
    At the same time, the foreed withdrawal of U.S.  corporations from    South Africa will end funding and logistical support for a wide range of programs designed to promote black economic empowerment, fosterblack self-reliance, and build professional and leadership skills.  U.S.  and other Western corporations play an important part in helping    to sustain an estimated 2,000 such programs which exist at the grassroots level.  In the face of mounting restrictions on most forms of opposition political activity, these programs provide a vital organizational network and fall-back position for those blacks working to build the power bases necessary for challenging the government.
    In less direct fashion we stand to lose other opportunities to deflect repressive measures directed at blacks.  If the threat of a total economic embargo on South Africa becomes reality, the South African    Government will have even fewer reasons to heed outside advice on what it regards as its internal political affairs. Although our standing with the South African Government declined sharply following passage of the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act in 1986, we retained enough    influence to argue persuasively in favor of a stay of execution forthe Sharpeville Six.  [Six black South Africans convicted for a murder committed during a protest demonstration.  The United States has joined several other governments and groups in appealing for clemency for the six.] We have also successfully lobbied to postpone and, hopefully, sidetrack pending legislation which could end all foreign funding to groups whose activities the government broadly defines as "political." These are small but significant achievements.  We cannot realistically expect to repeat them if we continue down the road toward punitive trade embargoes and a severance of ties with South African officialdom.
    I cannot accept the argument that by inflicting additional economic hardship and political frustration on South African blacks we create the conditions necessary for a successful challenge to the apartheid system.  Nor is it reasonable to think tbat sanctions will have a demoralizing effect on white elites, thereby rendering them more vulnerable to pressures for fundamental change.  Under any conceivable sanctions scenario, the South African Government will assign top priority to protecting white jobs and to ensuring that the police and military are funded at levels sufficient to avoid any decline in their capabilities.  The suppression of new outbreaks of black unrest is a foregone conclusion.  To suppose that outside powers can rearrange government priorities through economic quarantines and reduced contact with    South Africa is to misread tragically the staying power of the Afrikaner minority and its determination to put its security ahead of allother interests, including the interests of South Africa as a whole.
    South African blacks will be the primary, but not the only, victims of an international sanctions campaign against South Africa.  Other    victims will be those South African whites who most closely identify    with American democratic ideals and who support black aspirations for a more just society.  Leaders such as Frederik van Zyl Slabbert, Wynand Malan, Helen Suzman, and Denis Worrall staunchly oppose an economic and diplomatic quarantine of South Africa.  As they struggle to build bridges across South Africa's racial divide, they need the support that a strong U.S.  presence, both official and unofficial, provides.  They have seen sanctions contribute to a siege mentality among whites which the ruling National Party has successfully fostered and exploited by converting to its ranks thousands of relatively moderate,    English-speaking voters over the past 2 years.  They have also witnessed a steady erosion over the past year of fundamental civil liberties even in the hitherto protected sphere of white polities.  The same    noose which has been used to strangle black dissent is now coiled expectantly around the white, reformist opposition.  By dissociating ourselves from South Africa, we simply make it easier and less costly for authorities to pull that noose tighter.
    By the same token, ultraconservative factions in South Africa areincreasingly drawn to the prospect of cutting trade links, ending the    U.S.  business presence in South Africa, and limiting contact with the West.  From their standpoint, a strong American presence is an unwelcome restraint on South Africa's internal and external policy options.  Conservatives resent what they regard as American meddling in South Africa's internal affairs, including our financial and moral support to antiapartheid groups, and our persistance in seeking ways to dismantle racial barriers and promote dialogue. They also resent American films and televisions programs, our music, journalism, and popular culture because of their supposedly subversive influence on a younger generation of Afrikaners.  South Africa's UN representative was speaking to this constituency when, in responding a few months ago to harsh criticism of South Africa in the General Assembly, he invited the international community to "do its damnedest" to Pretoria.  He could have as well added: "and close the door behind you." Neither hardliners in the National Party, nor the growing conservative opposition,nor the more militant organizations even further to the right will mourn the absence of Americans from South Africa.
    Sanctions and the Black Opposition Claims that the overwhelming majority of South African blacks support sanctions cannot be substantiated.  Certainly, respected black leaders of community, labor, church,    and student organizations, as well as the ANC [African National Congress] and PAC [Pan-African Congress] in exile, continue to call publicly for further punitive measures against Pretoria.  Some, like Archbishop Desmond Tutu, believe that sanctions are the only alternative to uncontrollable violence. Leaders of the front-line states have also, in past years at least, been outspoken in calling for U.S.  and Western sanctions against South Africa.
    Yet there are signs that over the past 2 years a serious rethinking of the sanctions strategy has taken place.  Some mass organizations, such as conservative black churches and Chief Buthelezi's Inkatha movement, which claims to represent more than 6 million Zulus, have always been opposed to international sanctions. Other organizations, such as the National African Federated Chamber of Commerce, which represents most major black business interests, officially subscribe to sanctions while leaving individual members ample room to express doubts.  Even within the staunchly prosanctions COSATU [Congress of South African Trade Unions], debate simmers over the wisdom of promoting international embargoes.
    While it would be wrong to infer that black opposition leaders are    simply out of touch with their rank and file, debate over the effectiveness of sanctions is unquestionably livelier now than ever before.     This new mood is captured in Soweto playwright Gibson Kente's popular drama Sekunjalo, which depicts comrades destroying a township by intimidating, burning, and boycotting.  It ends with a declaration ofhatred for Afrikaner rule and a dance routine in which the actors sing "Who's gonna plant that cane?  Who's gonna drive that train?  Who's    gonna fly that plane?" Kente's actors recount the events of the 1850s when the Xhosa nation killed its cattle and burned its grain in the    faith that the dead would rise and the Russians would come to drivethe British into the sea.  The actors compare those times with the current calls for sanctions and bemoan the self-destructive tradition of black South African resistance to white rule.
    The Marxist intellectual and leader of the black consciousness-based National Forum, Neville Alexander (hardly an apologist for apartheid), makes the same argument from a different perspective.  He wroterecently that "I believe .  .  .  that the insistence on total sanctions is senseless-as senseless as an unqualified academic boycott andunlimited school boycotts-which amount to suicide if you do not havereal power, and if the government is not yet so weak that such pressure can bring it to its knees."
    Across South Africa's borders, reassessments of the effects of sanctions and possible South African countersanctions on the economies of the frontline states are also underway.  As a result, front-line leaders have modified their rhetoric, moved serious discussions of sanctions to the margins of international meetings and abandoned plans to    apply sanctions of their own.  Trade between South Africa and most neighboring states has actually increased over the past year.
    These observations are not meant to suggest that black South Africans have come to terms with white domination or that South Africa's black-ruled neighbors have accepted the status of satellites to the region's economic superpower.  What has occurred, I believe, is that sanctions have been reevaluated, and strong misgivings have developed about both their high costs and effectiveness.
    Keeping Open U.S.  Options
    I alluded earlier to the combination of outrage and impatience with which many Americans react to the situation in South Africa. But neither we nor South Africans can afford U.S.  policies motivated primarily by passion.  There exists a broad American consensus on what iswrong in South Africa and on the steps South Africa and its citizensmust take to correct these wrongs.  This consensus could provide thebasis for a realistic, workable, and nonpartisan approach to the South African crisis.
    Any sound American policy toward South Africa must take into account at least two fundamental constraints.  First, we must accept thatSouth Africa's crisis is an enduring one.  There are no quick solutions.  Resorting to drastic remedies-such as the misuse of American power to destabilize the South African economy-only increases chances of    a catastrophic outcome for all South Africans. Second, we must alsoaccept that our leverage is limited.  South Africa can survive-even thrive-without trade or contact with Americans.  Our mission should be    one of using all available means to maximize our influence and leverage.  This can't be achieved through a policy of economic and diplomatic dissociation from the problem.
    Operating from these premises, the Administration has constructedan approach which emphasizes both the protection of enduring U.S. interests in South Africa and the promotion of rapid, fundamental change    in that society.  This approach has a number of key elements.
    * The Administration has undertaken strenuous efforts to keep open    all our lines of communication, to expand contacts across the racial    and political spectrum, and to open up opportunities for the kinds of negotiations which are South Africa's only alternative to a slow descent into civil wan Over the past 8 years, all groups in South Africa, including the full range of opposition movement leaders, have hadaccess to the highest levels of our government. We continue to make it clear to the South African Government that we believe it has a special responsibility to create the necessary conditions in which negotiations with credible opponents can take place.
    * Expanding our assistance to apartheid's victims is a top priority.  South Africa's struggling black communities need our financial support, our technical and professional training, and our help in developing organizational and leadership skills.  These are the building blocks from which the disadvantaged majority will construct a more just and more democratic future for South Africa. To the extent that numbers of blacks already possess the knowledge and the skills, and hence the economic power, that a modern industrial state requires, they have greatly strengthened their bargaining position vis-a-vis South Africa's governing elite.  We must work to develop further this leverage and to help turn it to political advantage.  This is the central thrust of our official aid program to South Africa.  Obviously, sanctions-induced unemployment, a turn by South Africa toward autarky and tighter state control of the economy, and a reduced American presence in South Africa would all work against this effort.
    * In dealing with South Africa, we must continue to put a strong emphasis on the regional context.  Turmoil in South Africa continues to spread outward in shock waves which threaten the economic and political stability of neighboring states.  Our regional diplomacy is committed to reducing these states' economic vulnerabilities and to easing misunderstandings and tensions in their dealings with South Africa.
    * In this regard, negotiations currently underway to secure Namibian independence and the withdrawal of all foreign troops from both Namibia and Angola assume special importance.  A negotiated solution would be a signal achievement for American diplomacy and would win widespread approval throughout Africa.  Progress has been made which even    sympathetic observers would have said a short time ago was impossible.  We have laid down the conceptual basis for a settlement and brought all parties to the realization that Namibian independence, the removal of foreign armies from Angola, and the resolution of Angola's internal conflict are interrelated problems. None of these problems can    be solved in isolation from the others.
    Our mediation continues, and it is important that Congress not undercut this effort by ordering drastic changes in our bilateral relationship with one of the negotiating parties.  While it may be in South    Africa's best interests to achieve a negotiated settlement in Angola    and Namibia, Pretoria could well decide that a harsh, diplomatic rejoinder to expressions of U.S.  hostility is a higher immediate priority.
    As a final note, I would like to point out that in a few months' time a new U.S.  administration will enter office and will no doubt undertake a review of U.S.  policy toward South Africa and the region.    It would be wrong for Congress to commit the United States, in the final days of this Administration, to the extreme measures contemplated in S.  2378.  To do so will deny the new administration the optionof continuity in U.S.  policy while at the same time seriously restricting its choices before it has even entered office.
    The South African dilemma will be with us for some time to come. The only reasonable course Americans can adopt is one which ensures that we retain as many diplomatic tools and channels of influence as possible in the search for ways to remain relevant and involved in finding a solution. Regrettably, S.  2378 takes us in precisely the opposite direction.
    1The complete transcript of the hearings will be published by thecommittee and will be avallable the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.     Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.  20402.