"The Egyptian people are with us " #GFM #Gaza

Despite police efforts to keep us separated, young Egyptians kept coming up to us to express support at the vigil this evening. Earlier today during the action, despite much heavier police presence and more tension, I witnessed similar acts of solidarity. Several times I saw Egyptian passersby hand bags of food and bottled water over the heads of riot police to Gaza Freedom Marchers. I heard one say "for you, for freedom" as he did so. It's also true that the anti-Palestinian propaganda in state media has affected some people here but it's so hard to say how much, and as everywhere many are just indifferent. As "internationals" we were given relatively wide latitude to demonstrate and express ourselves that Egyptians do not have without putting themselves at much greater risk of harm than we ever faced. But the consistent expressions of solidarity and support I saw from Egyptians gave substance to the chant "il sha3b il Masri ma3na" - the Egyptian people are with us.