Short email I sent to EU's Baroness Ashton re Gaza #Flotilla

To: Baroness Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Baroness Ashton

Dear Baroness Ashton,
Calling on "all involved to act responsibly" or "with restraint" as you did is a false sort of balance. On one side you have an unarmed, international civilian flotilla heading toward Gaza with badly needed aid that has been prevented from reaching Gaza by an illegal, cruel and punitive Israeli blockade. On the other side you have the Israeli state and navy, threatening an act of piracy on the high seas using commandos, missile boats, drones and helicopters.
What is need from you now is to take a stand, to take sides. To stand with the Palestinian people in Gaza who after being subjected to war crimes, terror and occupation, are now being prevented from any meaningful reconstruction all because Israel (and with it the 'Quartet') disagree with some leaders in Gaza.

This is unconscionable.
Ali Abunimah