This is a letter of support for Gaza Freedom March from Indiana congressman André Carson. Many others have been sent from around the world but Egypt is stubborn. We need more popular pressure abd media to break this siege on Gaza.
This is a letter of support for Gaza Freedom March from Indiana congressman André Carson. Many others have been sent from around the world but Egypt is stubborn. We need more popular pressure abd media to break this siege on Gaza.
Part of the South African delegation to the Gaza Freedom March
Filipino MP Walden Bello reports back to Gaza Freedom Marchers after meeting with Egypt UN head James Rawley to request support for effort to bring aid, marchers to Gaza and open the border.
Sent from my iPhone
Flying straight south this morning along the Jordan-Palestine border the weather was so clear I could see west all the way across Palestine to the Mediterranean Sea. First I saw Jerusalem spread out over the red-brown hills like an ivory-colored blanket. Then at a certain point I could clearly see the distinctive curve of the coastline that runs from al-Majdal/Asqalan in Palestine to al-Arish in Egypt. Between them lies Gaza. The iPhone picture above is not nearly as clear as with the naked eye. But this morning I saw Gaza. Whether we will see it from the ground we don't yet know.